Sohaib Saeed

About Sohaib Saeed

Sohaib Saeed brings to Quranica his passion for research and experience in engaging with society. He attained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh, after which he moved to Cairo, where he attained a degree from the Faculty of Theology (Usul al-Din) of Al-Azhar University, majoring in Quranic Studies (Tafsir wa ‘Ulum al-Qur’an). He is presently completing doctoral research at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, focusing on “Intraquranic Hermeneutics”.His forthcoming publications include the translation of the first volume of Imam Razi’s exegesis (Keys to the Unknown: Mafatih al-Ghayb), to be published by the Islamic Texts Society (2017); and the second volume of The Perfect Guide (2017), being a scholarly translation of Imam Suyuti’s compendium of Quranic sciences, Al-Itqan.Sohaib has taught at universities in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and is an associate fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He coordinates the Level Two Arabic programme for iSyllabus in Glasgow. As well as delivering Friday sermons and leading prayers at various mosques in Scotland, he is keenly involved in interfaith and dialogue efforts, including in his role as honorary Muslim chaplain at Edinburgh University. He lives in Glasgow with his wife and two young children.
Sohaib Saeed brings to Quranica his passion for research and experience in engaging with society. He attained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh, after which he moved to Cairo, where he attained a degree from the Faculty of Theology (Usul al-Din) of Al-Azhar University, majoring in Quranic Studies (Tafsir wa ‘Ulum al-Qur’an). He is presently completing doctoral research at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, focusing on “Intraquranic Hermeneutics”. His forthcoming publications include the translation of the first volume of Imam Razi’s exegesis (Keys to the Unknown: Mafatih al-Ghayb), to be published by the Islamic Texts Society (2017); and the second volume of The Perfect Guide (2017), being a scholarly translation of Imam Suyuti’s compendium of Quranic sciences, Al-Itqan. Sohaib has taught at universities in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and is an associate fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He coordinates the Level Two Arabic programme for iSyllabus in Glasgow. As well as delivering Friday sermons and leading prayers at various mosques in Scotland, he is keenly involved in interfaith and dialogue efforts, including in his role as honorary Muslim chaplain at Edinburgh University. He lives in Glasgow with his wife and two young children.
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